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165 Audio Reviews

93 w/ Responses

Epic. Love it!

This is soooo good!
I love it! The static is so wierd, but it fits. The piano is just beautiful, everything comes together. I can totally picture a movie with all these clips flashing of people having fun and stuff, and someone in the backround watching it. This is very well done!
You have totally convinced me to write a piece. The ending was just BEYOND epic!

Mrmilkcarton responds:

Awe more competition. I look forward to your submission. Thanks for the review.

lol, nice!

Haha, brings back memories ^_^
Well done finding and syncing all the WAV's lol, would have taken ages!

Mmmm, Sad.

Nicley named man.
I can envision someone all alone and remembering the past etc.
The choir/pads were a nice touch, and perfectley complemented the guitar pluckin'
Normally, I'm into techno n stuff, so I don't like sad songs, but this is really nice. I can totally see it in a flash moview somewhere.
...Could have a womans voice in there, y'know. A soft "ooooooaaaaahhhh"
Whatever, well done and Good Luck!

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Thanks man. It originally had a single childs voice from a childs choir VST I have...but that was just too much choiry stuff.

Thanks for the awesome review. I promise to hit you back when I'm on a faster computer.

Thanks again.

Nice, Good song

This is great!

The leads are all really nice and Saw'y XD
Mabye you could put this into this months audio contest. The theme is 'sadness' y'know!

70th Review. Aesome Much?

This is absolutley brilliant! Not only have you strayed away from your normal Flangy Phasey style, but you have redefined speed! This is really well done. All the beebs and leads are placed perfectley! This is right up there with "Before Mydnite" and "Air Fantasy".
You and Kr1z's latest songs are some ofthe best I've ever heard dude, keep it up!

Pure Epicness!

'Nuther beautiful one from Kr1z. You really have fallen in love with 4/3 havent you?
Its great, nice and jumpy. The piano breakdown was well placed too. Mabye a little more filters in the build-ups? I dunno, mabye thats more trancy. Whatever.
...Really well done, congrats on the top 5 XD

No Name? Well...

I can easily imagine this becoming a massive piece, with heaps of instuments. Brass in the strong bits, and strings in the soft. Hell, it could be an Audio battle between two dieties!
Anyways, I would name it something like "Inner Strugle" or whatever. Cuz your kinda fighting with yourself over wther to upgrade your music stuff or not, and this portrays that battle...sort of.
I don't know if it was intentional, or merley a coincidental product of your mind ^_^


Even if it is a bit on the short side, it is still beautifull. I can totally picture what you are trying to convey. This could easily build up into a massive orchestral piece, with like, a sad, sad flute/trumpet.
Well done. It sounds very realistic, so you have made great use of whatever software this utilises.

Another Masterpiece

Once again my friend, I find myself blown away by your work.
The instrument practicaly sound as if they were recorded live - they are sooo good!
The mood is insane! I can totally picture your story. It is a very moving piece.

I am in love with the shouting vocals ^^

How do you make the instruments sound so real?
When are you going to get around to replying to that PM?

MaestroRage responds:

I love the shouting too :D! Maybe it's because i'm so angry inside and I resolve said anger by bellowing loudly at fragile elderly all day... :/

The instruments realism stems largely from filters and effects. Of course the nature of the samples are very high as well, you can only make something fake sound so real, and something real only so fake.

In this particular case it was important to bring out the higher range (7-9khz) so I upped that up a little through some equalizing. The bass felt a bit muddy during so I cut off a bit on the low end *albeit some people say the bass is too low now*.

Then there are other small tricks to making instruments sound real. Dynamics is key. Playing each note slighly louder/quieter then the one before it gives off slight nuances of realism that the listener doesn't catch on consciously, but makes a difference with.

Higher quality samples will also have multiple velocity layers, meaning they have multiple recordings of the same note, played at different strengths. This helps a lot as you know a violin will sound very different if it's played harshly verses if it were played silky smooth!

I thought I had answered your questions, but i'll take another look ;D!

Thanks for the review, i'm glad you liked it!

Age 32, Male


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