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Oh teh lulz...

Haha dude...this is awesome on sooooo many levels. For the forst half I was thinking this was a really serious entry and that everyone else must be crazy for claiming it was silly....And then the second half came in... I couldnt stop laughing for ages man, it was so unexpected, yet perfect.

On a side note, the actuall "serious" introduction is in fact, amazingly good! It's well mastered, and your voice is awesome! I would reccomend that you make an actuall serious entry with it, but that might kill the whole "fun" out of this entry haha, so it's up to you.

In terms of the funny half, it too was suprisingly well done man. You managed to mix comedy together with good mastering which is in itself, a joke lol. Are those snippets of your voice in there? Or other samples?

Anyways dude, that was a perfect way of breaking any "competitional tension" that might be happening, nice work man, and Good Luck in the contest!

Father-of-Death responds:

Yes the recorded samples were all me.

:) Thanks so much man!


This is great dude, a real masterpiece! You've done really well in both the original, and then your own styles. Also, the blending of the two together was amazing, and one of my favourite parts. I would have thought that the two styles clashed, and there would be a weird transition in the middle, but you did a great job of mixing them together. Anyways, I'll split the review up into several pieces:

The heavy drums and vocal sample at the start were really cool, and set the song up in such a was as to make anything that followed sound cool. The drum roll leading into the strings was really well done, was it a lone sample, or did you do it yourself?

The strings were amazing! The steady, Hans Zimmer-esque lower strings were some of the best I've ever heard on NG, and has motivated me to look into Edirol Orchestra. Then came the higher, strained strings. These ones were really cool in the sense that they added tesion and mood into the song. Weither you came up with them yourself, or if they were in the original piece, they are great.

I didn't notice it at first, but the deep strings and bass drum that steadily pound through are a really nice touch. They help give that "Epic Confrontation" kinda feel that makes this song so good! The crashes were also really nice, as they werent too loud.

As I said before, this is probably my fav part of the song, because it sounds so cool. You perfectly managed to keep the epic tension and mood, while introducing a completley different genre which, in my opinion, is a really great feat. The introduction of new instruments was good, while the retaining of others helped make it a steady transition.

The part where everything goes quiet, exept for one set of steady plucks is awesome. Like, seriously! You've just finished this massive build-up, and then at the end of the climax, in stead of just leaving it, you fade in this supencefull, dramatic pluck which really makes this song epic. It also adds some needed variation into the piece, as you are still using classical instruments, yet ones not previously heard in the song so far.

The epic strings that play on top of the pluck are awesome too. They connect the transition, and breakbeat part of the song, with the original classical part. They just sound so amazing as they pump out on top of the pluck. And make a perfect opening for the introduction of the drums...

When I first heard the breakbeat drums in the middle of the tranisition, I was like, "Oh hell yea!". They sound really epic in there man, and almost seem as if the song was designed to have them in it! Full credit for this man, really good job! The thing that makes the drums soo awesome I think is the heavy amount of Reverb/Delay you have going with them. They (obviously) make it seem like they are comming from a distance, which is really sweet. Also, the way that you start out with them having only little segments of the loop, before just letting it loop through in the end is really kewl, and helps that really smooth transition.

The only main difference between the classical and your styles is that epic drumline you have going there, which in my opinion is perfect! I love how you introduced the drums, and then brought back all the epic strings and kicks and stuff. It just made an awesome climax full of suspenc and tension. I can easily see this being in a flash/video.

It is obvious that you put a considerable amount of effort into constructing, and then mastering that drums loop, so I just wana let you know that it sounds really good, and in fact, perfect for this song! The mastering is really tight, and it actually sounds like something you would find in a proffesional loop pack, yet you made it from single samples, which is just amazing.

So yea man, you've got a really nice piece here! I love this song, and think that you should include it in any demo's you ever send to anyone, because it shows a different side to your style, and to electronica in general. Keep up the great work and Good Luck in the competition!


nal1200 responds:

EDIT: Also, with edirol, there is a custom timpani roll, which you can modify via channel volume automation in FL to sound like a growth or swell.

Thankyou so much for the in depth review! Easily the longest (and honestly the best as far as technicality and precision go) one i've ever had.

To answer some of your questions:

Edirol Orchestral definitely is a powerful tool for strings. I ended up modifying a large portion of the strings through their character tone and attack/decay properties until I liked the sound of them (when I thought the sounded real.) They are obviously not perfect, but I feel i've made a very large step in mastering the capabilities of Edirol.

The breakbeat actually uses some of the PACK samples from FL (CRAZY?!) As I said in the author comments, I used a ton of effects to modify them to sound that way. I actually was considering making a portion of the song a sole drumbreak, but as it happens the drums sound a little too bright on their own and I decided to leave them with what you hear now.

I'm still a little undecided on whether or not to reconstruct the two halves to make it one perpetual climax, in which case I would upload a new copy. We'll see.

Thanks for the review though, I really admire someone willing to dedicate that much time and effort into something, so thanks again!

Huge Potential!

OMG dude, this is sounding really good! The intro was fine, it nicley captures the underwater world. I wouldnt shorten it at all. The main melody was really relaxing and funky, I liked it alot. The plucky thing that was going along with it was perfect!

The only thing that I would suggest you change for this soung would be to choose a diiferent high-hat for the offbeat "Unce Unce Unce". I would suggest the second open-hihat sample in the "Vintage" section of the FL Stock samples in the "Packs" folder. It's a much nicer, smoother hat, that sounds really good in trance songs.

The FX and stuff throughout the song was really good, and I cant totally picture an ocean fantasy underwater ^_^ You should really be proud of the atmosphere you've managed to create with this song!

Oh, also (just listening to it a 2nd time now), in the intro, you should fade the offbeat bass in. You've chosen a good ntrument to use for it, but make a volume automation clip, and fade it in. On top of that, I would make the snare a little quieter too.

I dont know if you know how to make an automation clip, but they are really usefull. Just right click the thing you want to automate (In this case, the volume knob next to the bass channel), and select "create Automation Clip". The automation clip will show up in your playlist down the bottom, and you basically can adjust what happens to the volume during the song. If you are having trouble using them, just PM me and I will help you out, or you can google a "FL Automation Clip Tutorial"

Anyways, to sum it all up, I can see HUGE potential in both this song, and you as an artist. You have a great sense of structue, and harmonic melodies. And everything that this song is lacking in, all comes with experience. So Keep it up, Keep composing, and chuck me a PM next time you release something, cuz Im keen on seeing how you improve!


X-otiC responds:

thx man
very good advice
yes i do know how to make automation clips
i will definitely use your advice on the hats, snare and the auto clip
thx again


Holy crap! This is awesome man! It fully sounds like a DnB kinda thing, with the sick Bass and speedy drum samples. I love the ethenic feel, and the vocals sound great dude.

Nice work, well mastered too!

Triskele responds:

Thanks very much! Yeah, the vocals were great to work with, they were ripped by The Archangel (Who is an AMAZING producer by the way, if this style interests you his stuff is spectacular) and the quality is great.

Glad you enjoyed, I'll take a look at one of your tunes as well!

OMG so sad! <:S

Hey dude, really sad to hear about your loss, it must suck beyond imagining...

This song is a perfect tribute to a lost one man. Not only is it professional sounding, but it captures the emotions that you must feel. I feeel your loss too...

It is also sad to hear about spending chrsitmas alone, watching tv, and eating soup. It's terrible that you dont have any family to spend it with, but guess what...

I can assure you that NG is at it's best in terms of hapiness and fun during christmas, and if it's okay with you, the community here would love to be your family! You can share the good times with everyone over at the audio forums, and share the bad times too, but with a caring audience.

I wish you all the best dude, and hope that you will continue to produce such emotional music.

Good luck! And my deepest condolences!

Deep and Epic!

Haha, this song has got sooooo much to it that makes it great! I love this!!!

The main pluck is so good!


heartless1298 responds:

Thanks!! I just sent you the longer version over MSN ^.^

Epic, beautifull classic!

Whoa! Another great one man! I really like the feel in these one's, dark and tense. Although I can also hear the patriotic determination that you wanted in this particular one.

I think its a great series of songs, so accompany an extreemly original game, welldone! As usual, the pinnacle of Newgrounds Composition!

WhoooHoooo! Epic man!

This is definitley not only your best, but one of the best eamples of trance on NG! Great work man! I can only give one piece of advic, and that is to put a "fruity balance" on your master channel and turn it down by one notch. That will kill all the distortion (theres only a little bit) when you use your echoes kick.

Brilliant work man! Keep it up!

Wow, bass ^^

Oh my god, the bass in this is so good. Apart from the rest of the song being an awesome trance piece, the bass is just freaking epic! Could ya tell me how you did it?

lol, you should make more collabs

BrixXMich responds:

The bass is a z3ta+, and nicely sidechained, Brittany made that one with her awesome skills.
I hope you know how to do sidechaining, otherwies I can explain it to you sometime.

Thanks for enjoying it! And yes, we'll make more collabs in the future. :)
(sorry for the late response)

Wow, epic!

Wowzerz, this is really well done. I can totally picture a winterscape... well, with raving elves and a santa-dj to boot XD

But seriously, this is amazing and I love it. The chords change near the end is pure awesome. Really brings out the emotion.

You obviously have talent, as you have learnt pretty darn well how to master your suff. Jeee, I dont think I can even master this well =S

Amazing dude, really good stuff. Keep making stuff like this and you will be on top 5 in no time!

heartless1298 responds:

Haha thanks alot!!! And yea i tried to get to the top 5 but I kept getting 0 bombed... I rose to the top of the Trance charts too quickly...

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