View Profile Nintechno

165 Audio Reviews

93 w/ Responses


This is awesome man! I cannot believe how well it is mastered!

Really good stuff, I cannot wait to collab with you XD

heartless1298 responds:

Thanks man!!!

Haha, nuffer brilliant one!

This is amazing man, really good work here! I really wish I could do strings, you make them sound so real! I can totally picture your given story lol.

Mabye one day you could tech me sumfink? :3

MaestroRage responds:

of course :3!

The strings here is a mix of a bunch of East West strings. It was somewhat difficult mixing the two and making them sound together (mostly due to the fact I think EW hates me), but the result is as you hear.

Glad you liked it sir, thanks for the review!

Nice pianoz

PIano is nice, the bells are AMZINGPLEX! I really like this lol, a perfect example of the light aura!

Realmguys responds:

Hey thanks! I just commented on your song too whoah. Jinx!

Holy mother of...

Hehe buddy, you just earnt yourself one of mai big reviews ;D I think I've only ever done about 2 of these before, but this song is THAT good. Before I start, I just want you to know that this review is not some crazy fan-boy's worship, but the honest opinions of a fellow artist...

0:00 - 0:12
Starts out with some nice little bells, which helps introduce the famouse Nate-Piano. At this point of listening to the song, I wuz thinking: "Ah, good old DJ-Nate, always impresses...

0:13 - 0:40
Piano comes in, accompanied by some beautifull strings... This woke me up. Here I was waiting for the normal crazy dance awesomeness you always do, but this sounded much more...epic. I have never heard you do something so harmonious and soft. It sounded like a real moving piece, full of emotion and euphoria! A great build-up for the techno stuffz.

0:40 - 1:20
The phasey lead comes in, jumping all over the place. Brings it all back into reality as the listener is reminded just why DJ-Nate is one of the most highley regarded artists on NG! You can totally feel the energy building up, and as it launches into the melody (with kick and bass accmpnying) you get that really great feeling of "Oh, HELL YEA!"

1:21 - 2:14
The sudden silence was surprising, but in no way bad. In fact, I think it greatly helped the piece to personify the picture. I can totally imagine a plane flying through the sky, and as it bursts from out of the clouds, above a sea of white, a silence... You take it all in... Freedom, ahhh. Bliss.

Then, slowly, you feel it build back in, the pads and piano are amazing. I can see (hear) that you have put your heart into this one! Really moving stuff!

2:14 - Finish
The rest is very nicely done. Very well structured. I really loved the sample at the end, a perfect ending for a perfodct song ^^

Overall, an amazing piece of work! I would be interested in seeing a more hardcore dance version, and a really mellow trance/ambient version.

The thing I love most about this piece is the beginning, with those beautiful bells = epic win sir!

Good luck in the MAC!!!!

dj-Nate responds:

Ah Nintechno, you always make my day. I wish I had the time to respond as long as you. You are definitely teh man, and I wanna make sweet, sweet love to you. And yes. In a totally gay way. ;)





OHNOES! I don't have a cowbell sample!!!

What should I do?!?!?1

lololol Awesome song

Awesome ^^

Haha, this is really REALLY good! Quite different to your Trance stuff, but still that high-energy epic feel that you do Whooo!

Really well done, totally awesome!

Hell's Fuckin' YEA!!!

Dude, this is so bouncy...jumpy, AWESOME! I love it Whooo! Perfect party music haha, lol. Must be the time signiature lol. This is really REALLY good work, and is a perfect example of your style whooo!

Kr1z responds:

HURRAR thx Mack ;D

Pretty Awesome!

Hey man, This is pretty kickin'! I really like, its almost a sad kinda love song haha. I think its great, but not as epic as ReMotion. ALso, the air-raid siren is out of place in the build-up.

Kr1z responds:

Pretty kickin it is :D
Yeh and the chords are somewhat sad at some parts :) I'm testing out new chords :D
The air-raid siren owns u, ur jealous! admit it!! lulz w/e

Sounds Amazing, lol

Very nice job with this one buddy. I cannot say that I ever listened to the original, but this sure as hell is good stuff. It's got a very "trancy" feel that is perfect, the filtered square in the intro is brilliant.

Your pads and chords are just beautifull, what VST r u using? Anyways, nicley faded in. The lead synth is great, not too powerfull, but still in charge.
The drums and samples are really tight, which makes for better partying ^^

I think its a Gate your using for the saw pad which creates a great backround noise. I would like to learn how to do that, as it seems pretty common in trance nowadayz.

What this song really needs (not saying its bad r anything) is this big silence after a build-up, and then a whispered vocal "Just give me... a silver kiss" XD
That would make it perfect lol

There are heaps of bits in this song that I would like to learn how to do, mabye you could send me the Flp? I dunno, but I envy your skils! This sounds really professional, great work!

Great job, looking forward to your next masterpiece!

Kr1z responds:

Trancy feeling = WOOOOOOOOOOOO
My VSTi for the pads/gate/bass is Nexus
I used Systrus for the weird basspadfx in the intro
THe square plucked lead is Z3ta+
Yeh thats a gate that does the chorus :D Its pretty common indeed :)
I dont have any whispered vocals ;(
Thanks for ur review man :D:D

Electric Guitar?! W00t!

Haha, this is awesome!

I think I recognise Slayer, I dunno. You HAVE to tell me what you used for that guitar lead, its amazing!

This songs rocks!

F-777 responds:

Used Slayer =D.

Thanks so much!

Age 32, Male


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