View Profile Nintechno

Age 32, Male


Joined on 10/8/07

Exp Points:
2,200 / 2,500
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Vote Power:
5.66 votes
Police Officer
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Nintechno's News

Posted by Nintechno - May 10th, 2008

Hey Everyone! 5 Team and all!

I would first like to congradulate Kr1z on reaching the Top 30 list with his song: ReMotion!

Also, there have been those people that think what the 5 team does is cheating. Even though we have offered our services to everyone, and also there is no rule that says "Helping other users out with the kindness in our hearts is NOT allowed"!
I have send them a PM explaining why we are fighting for a good cause, and if they persist, please ignore them. I do not want to get in trouble because someone has spammed their account so much that the NG server has blown up (joke).

Anyways, the 5 Team Toolbar is working out really well, and any members who havent got it, GET IT!

I have several new songs up, such as:
Superdream - Preview

I will be putting out a CD soon, most of my original stuff will be there. but If anyone would like to request anything before its done, it might get included! I am working on the most awesome trance song EVER so stay tuned (see "Superdream" for a preview).

Any Ideas for the name of the CD? It will probably be what I rename Superdream, so listen to that and give me ideas!
The CD will be a digital download, but I will also do a physical version for all my friends in New Zealand! I will be putting some songs on it that will NEVER hit NG, so BUY IT XD

Posted by Nintechno - May 5th, 2008

Time: ++++++++++ 2214 hours - NZT
++++++++ "Gathering Forces"
++++++++ IILT Mackenzie "Nintechno" Potter
++++++++++BEGIN TRANSMITTION++++++++++
Greetings, and welcome to update #2 of "Defensive Squadron 1" of the 5 Team.


+++Enemy Movements+++
The 0-Bombers of the Blammers Legion have kept a constant barrage of 0-bombs operating at the opening of the Audio Portal. This has prevented many units from reaching their destinations intact. Further reports tell of a heavy assault on the main "Dance" sector, where several of our finest units were stationed.

+++URGENT: New Weapon+++
Although we have been pushed back time and time again for years now, a sliver of light has appeared in the darkness of the Audio Portal. Amidst the constant suffering of the 5 Team and those we seek to protect, a new hope has arisen! For I have been contacted by the mighty Maestrorage with news of a new, superior, combat utility that will change the way we wage our war forever! He has instructed me to make sure that each and every member arms themself with this piece of gear to insure our victory!
Gentleman (and ladies in DJBrixX's case)... I present to you, the dawning of a new age... The Initaiation of our superiority! The beggining of what will soon be, the greatest club/crew that Newgrounds has ever seen!
...For with this tool, I gaurintee that we will be tactily superior to all the 0-bombers out there! And that we will be faster, better and more ready for the task at hand...
I present to you...The SAV-5 "BLAMMER-BANE" Toolbar!!!!!
You are instucted to download and equipt yourself with this pice of high-tech machinery to:
- View other members of the 5 Team
- Recieve Missions and Messages on where to help out (I send one message, you ALL recieve it)
- Converse live with other recruits
- Listen to Radi0 (OMG!)
- Support the 5 Team!

I want everyone to thank Maestrorage for helping our cause and making our communication much better!

+++Rank System+++
I will be adding the awarded points for the first mission shortly. Details on "Missions" and The Ranking System can be found here.

+++VOTE NOW+++
Because I'm selfish, I need EVERYONE to go and vote on my latest 6 audio subbmissions here. I am going for top 5 and REALLY need some help! Also, the following members need our support too!
...Im sure there are many others, so please check out everyones profiles in the Members List below!
+++Member's List+++
DJ BrixX
...Stay tuned!

+++JOIN US!+++
The 5 Team are an elite group of peolpe dedicated to helping out the community of Newgrounds by 5-ing ALL Audio Portal subbmissions that have a decent amount of effort put into them!
If you are a victim of 0-Bombing and would like to help the situation, while having others help you, then send me a PM, or comment below. And I will have you added to the list!

While this IS the internet and you guys can do whatever you want. Please show some pride in your epic-faction. DONT go around giving the 5 Team a bad name or I will have to kill you...seriously.
- Support the 5 Team in your reviews of songs.
- Try and find people who can join us
- Vote for my songs XD

- Write stupid things in capitals such as: "OMFG 5TEAM FOR TEH WINZ BBQ!"
- Attack 0-Bombers. I know this can be hard at times (trust me, I know), but please rise above it all and REALLY prove who are the better people. Do not aggravate them as it will only encourage them, PLUS give us a bad name (see above).
- Give Kr1z better reviews than me XD


Good luck everyone, and GO TEH 5 TEAM!!!! WHOOOO! W00TROFLBBQLOLWTFOMFG YEA!!!!!!
++++++++++END TRANSMITTION++++++++++

Posted by Nintechno - May 2nd, 2008

Time +++++++++ 1430hours - NZT
Subject +++++++ "Ranks and Operations"
Sender +++++++ 2LT Mackenzie "Nintechno" Potter

Greetings, and welcome to update #1 of the 1st Defensive Squadron, of the 5 Team.
Today, I am going to inform you of how things will work in the 5 Team. I have constructed a system that will motivate members, and hopefully help to attract civilians to aid our cause. It involves a Ranking System, not unlike the U.S. Millitary's, and also a points system to help decide who's who.
Basically, you will earn points for taking part in 5 Team "Missions". And every time you do so, you will recieve points. The more you help, the greater number of points rewarded.
Below, is the list of ranks a member can rise through during his service in the 5 Team (In decending order - Best at top), and how many points are required to reach that rank.
First Lieutenant_____25
Second Lieutenant__20
Sergeant Major_____15
Sergeant__________ 10
Private First Class__ 5
Private____________ 0
---This List is subject to change---

The idea of gaining these points is this: If a mission is put out (it must be from Kriz, F-777, or Myself to be official, and therefore, valid, and possible to earn points from), and you comply with that mission, then you are awarded points.
A typical mission will consist of:
- Voting for a unit (submission) as specified, it could be one, it could be for a week.
- Reviewing that unit
Not very hard is it?
This is classified as a Code: " Blue" mission and will award you with 1 point. Different types of mission award different smount of points, based on difficulty and urgency. They are decided by the person issuing the mission. For clarity, below is a key:
Code Blue - 1 Point
Code Red - 2 Points
Code Black - 5 Points (See, its racially acceptable, because its the BEST!)
---Also, If any song featured in a mission gets on the Top 5 of the Week list, ALL recruits who took part will revieve 2 EXTRA points! AM I NOT MERCIFUL!?!?!)

Thats pretty much it! You are in NO way whatsoever REQUIRED to take part in missions, and may just be part of the 5 Team for the love of helping people. I just created this system to make it a little more fun for the rest of us XD.
Below is a list of the current members and their ranks:
Kr1z - Captian
F-777 - First Lieutenant
Nintechno - Second Lieutenant
bahdshah - Sergeant
MICHhimself - Sergeant
Koriigahn - Private
SkySnip3r - Private
DJ BrixX - Private
citri - Private
ZooSafari - Private
Typhlanar - Private
dfarce - Private
PsyWoofers - Private
LiquidEcstacy - Private
Trancecore - Private
Syphonmax - Private
ace210493 - Private
Sialys - Private
sonicxtreme - Private
sr4cld - Private
No-Picture - Private
+++++++END TRANSMITTION+++++++

Posted by Nintechno - May 2nd, 2008

Hey there!

You have been sent this message as a result of your interest in the 5 Team/AP Guard/ Audio Saviours

On Kriz's userpage there is a list of people who have volinteered to help protect the Audio Portal submissions that are worthy of Top 5 of the Week.

YOU are on this list and have sworn to serve!

...As 3rd in command (Because Kr1z "iz da Boss" and because F-777 "came up with the idea"), I have been given the task of testing our skills, teamwork, and "5-ing Potentcy". This means we need to observe how good the 5 Team is, and if we are ready to take on the hordes of 0-bombers.

++++++++MISSION BREIFING+++++++
Your Current rank: Private
Total Missions compleated:0

1 - We have two units taking heavy fire in the "Dance" section, your job is to see if you can help them out. O-bombers have hit 'em hard, so we don't know how much time they have. Kr1z has requested that, for this mission, you not only "vote" every day, but also that you review the inured units. This will help civilians to see that the 5 Team has been there, and that we exist!
2 - The units' coordinates:
3 - F-777 has opted to raise this mission's status to CODE RED. Meaning: Double Mission points!
Thats right, if you vote everyday and review, you will recieve 2 points! (Which is alot).
4 - HQ has pointed out that, when making reviews, it is compleatley fine to promote the 5 Team. However, they demand that you set a good example for others, and give us a good name. Any spamming or instances of AWOL or Defecting will result in removal from the 5 Team and immediate E-hate. If you plan to Promote us, DO NOT:
- Give links
- use all caps, like "OMFGWOOTBBGLOL 5TEAM IS TEH AWESUM!"
- mention 0-bombers, blammers, assholes of ANY kind. As this will aggrevate them, and we do not have the numbers *yet*, to take on their entire hoard.

You MAY:
- include "go the 5Team" (or something more cool)
- Make millitary references (which is cool)

I will be writing a guide on ranks and points and other goodies over the next few days. It is designed to intruige civillians to join our cause!


Posted by Nintechno - May 1st, 2008

Hey everyone!

Pico Day was AWESOME! Many Blam/Save Points up for grabs!

Ive got 2 new songs out! And more on the way!


Bittersweet Symphony remix


P.S. I had planned to go out with a girl and see a movie, but then she turned me down!


Pico Day - New Songs!

Posted by Nintechno - April 17th, 2008

Hey Everyone!

I said in a review of Kr1z song, that I had quit making music. This has changed thanks to some of my fans who are awesome!
So yea, I'm working on some kick-ass stuff that I'll mention later.

First up: \_____\\-\ Solarius /-/_____/
Solarius - [Soul-air-ee-us] - n.
1. The shining light within the soul of every human being on Earth that can only brought forth into the world through listening to a sufficiently epic techno song.
2. Nintechno's new, sufficiently epic techno song XD

Solarius is a made up word thet derives from the root "Solar" meaning: 'Of the sun'
This song is suppossed to make you feel happy and joyfull.
It is my best (by best I mean quality and mood) song to date, and is approved by F-777 and Kr1z for quality, mood, synths, awesomness etc...

Also, this is the first song EVER that ive mastered (and its only a lil bit of equalising, thanks Kr1z for that!).

Upcoming Songs:
Chinese Dance Machine - [Nintechno's vocal Remix] - Thats right, its got full vocals and lyrics in it.
Serenity - An Ambient song based on a paradice-like beach.
StarFox - Corneria Theme [Dnb Remix] - First attempt at DnB, sounds good so far, will have a melody.
- Unknown - A song I have just started, it is 3/4 (like Basshunter's songs), and sounds like its going to be my best song ever!!!

Oh, and here's the cover of my CD that I will put release when I get good enough.

\____\-\ New Song - Upcoming Music /-/____/

Posted by Nintechno - March 28th, 2008

Hey Everyone!! Could you please take the time to vote and review my newest song?!?!

\==\-\Runaway Love/-/==/

Also Kr1z, F-777, and I are having a little contest to see who gets the highest score! This isn't like a fighting battle kind of thing we are just doing it for fun. (And we all hope we can get top 5)

Their songs:
"Kr1z: ReMotion"
"Alone" - F-777

Now this may be a contest but that doesn't mean i want you to 0-bomb their songs, please do not lower their score purposefully! The point of this contest is that we are all going for a high score =D.

P.S. If you already heard these im sorry to bother you!

Also, I have remixed F-777's "Chinese Dance Machine" which we plan to sell later!

EDIT: I have just submitted a new song called \__\-\All The World/-/__/ OMG! Check it!


Audio Competition - New Songs!

Posted by Nintechno - March 19th, 2008

Fading away:
Hey Newgrounds! If anyone follows my userpage and submissions, they would have noticed that I have not submitted anything in ages! This is because I have been going through a major 'creative block' where I could not come up with any decent melodies or anything... Probably because there was too much stress in my life and because I was always thinking to negativley.

I am pleased to say however, that with the help of some friends, and a HUGE attitude adjustment, I am now back and better than ever...in all modesty. I have many new ideas and tecniques on FL Studio, and people will be seeing these over the next few weeks.

My Saviour:
I would really like to thank
F-777 (Jesse Valentine) for helping me get back into it all. If he had not spent time giving me support and tutorials, I would probably have faded away untill I never did music again. He is an AWESOME guy, and is not only my role model, but also my idol! I strive to be like him in musical talent, and human kindness...

I have just submitted a preview of my newest song here. It is all about me coming back into the music production world and how I almost was lost lol. I am thinking of selling it for $1 US at a music online store, but that depends on how many people would pay, so check it out and drop me a PM! If there is not enough interest, then I'll probably just submit it on NG.

I have spent a couple hours making userpage headers n stuff so theres some new things around, and Ive also released my real name to the world (OMG!), so yea, also i'm now lvl 10!

Thanks Jesse, and Its good to be back!

Posted by Nintechno - February 18th, 2008

OMG! Im now saftey patrol!!! (Whats the one after that?).

Also, my newest song Memories is up!

Watch out for my upcoming POTC remix, im not saying which song, but i garuntee that all will enjoy!!!


Posted by Nintechno - February 14th, 2008

I am pleased to announce, that after a short period of 'Artists Block' whereapon I could not come up with ANYTHING to create on FL Studio, I am back on track and working on a Kickass new song (or two)!
I am back at school n stuff so I won't be able to pump out songs as fast, but I will still be hard at work making songs and stuff, so long as you guys keep listening to 'em!

Stuff to look out for:
1. Two Hornpipes: I'm still working on it, but progress has been slowed due to the fact that I don't know what to do with it. I don't know what instruments n generators to use so if anyone has any ideas/wishes, drop me a PM.
2. Secret: I don't wana tell anyone yet, but this is the song that got me out of my 'blocked' phase, and right back into making songs! I won't tell you anything about it, apart from the fact that everyone should like it.
3. 9pm: That infamous song by ATB that has the guitar notes sliding up and down. I have figured out the notes (and slides) and am currently trying to work out how to make it a Dance hit!
4. Memories is finished, go check it!

Anyways, just wanting to say that im back to my normal, happy self, and that I'm ashamed of Seven-Too-Five for stealing songs and trying to befriend me! Also, you can thank Hans Zimmer for getting me out of my 'Artists Block'.

BTW, F-777 is not dead, he's just screwing around making his dumb CD at the speed of Dark (opposite the speed of light: REALLY SLOW).