I am pleased to announce, that after a short period of 'Artists Block' whereapon I could not come up with ANYTHING to create on FL Studio, I am back on track and working on a Kickass new song (or two)!
I am back at school n stuff so I won't be able to pump out songs as fast, but I will still be hard at work making songs and stuff, so long as you guys keep listening to 'em!
Stuff to look out for:
1. Two Hornpipes: I'm still working on it, but progress has been slowed due to the fact that I don't know what to do with it. I don't know what instruments n generators to use so if anyone has any ideas/wishes, drop me a PM.
2. Secret: I don't wana tell anyone yet, but this is the song that got me out of my 'blocked' phase, and right back into making songs! I won't tell you anything about it, apart from the fact that everyone should like it.
3. 9pm: That infamous song by ATB that has the guitar notes sliding up and down. I have figured out the notes (and slides) and am currently trying to work out how to make it a Dance hit!
4. Memories is finished, go check it!
Anyways, just wanting to say that im back to my normal, happy self, and that I'm ashamed of Seven-Too-Five for stealing songs and trying to befriend me! Also, you can thank Hans Zimmer for getting me out of my 'Artists Block'.
BTW, F-777 is not dead, he's just screwing around making his dumb CD at the speed of Dark (opposite the speed of light: REALLY SLOW).