View Profile Nintechno

Age 32, Male


Joined on 10/8/07

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2,200 / 2,500
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5.66 votes
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i've got the toolbar only thing is that when i click 5 team members it just comes up with member 1 other than that it's awesome
(i just realised that i say awesome way to much)


Installed toolbar too! Awesome idea! And shouldn't we get Maestrorage to TEH 5TEAM? Or did you already ask him?

W00TBBQ, GO 5TEAM! :p (Or isn't that allowed on this newspost?)

Is tom fulp in TEH 5 TEAM !!!1!11 ??

I already asked to join the team but I don't know if I did it in the right place! How about here!

Sure! Welcome in man!
Ill add you to the list!

If any of y'all want to see a good review format check out some of my reviews. A lot of music authors have told me they're very helpful, though I do occasionally get tired of wall-of-text and post the cruddy like three line long ones. The meatier ones, though, I'd say is just the kind of thing you guys are looking for. I'm sure the music authors wouldn't mind more of my large reviews floating around :p

Weeeeeee! Downloaded ah the awesomeness!
this post made me laugh XD

glad you liek it!

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/142410">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/142410</a>

My new song "Flying Away".

Wow. I'm astounded by your stupidity.
Let me break this down for you:

Yes, getting on top 5 of the week is awesome. You get tons and tons of listens, and the publicity is great. However, this kind of publicity needs to be EARNED. Are you seriously naive enough to believe that you are the only one who thinks most of his songs deserve top 5? EVERYONE feels this way, its simply the feeling of pride you have after putting your time and heart into a song. However, this does not mean you deserve top 5. Like ericsenter said, trying doesn't mean anything, what matters is the end result. This applies to all things in life, and it's a lesson you had better learn soon; just cause you studied for a test doesn't mean you'll get an A, and just because you put a lot of effort into a song doesn't mean it will get alot of attention.

The truth is that while, yes, any one of your songs would do well on the top 5, the ones that actually do make instead of yours are really good. That's the one thing thats struck me with this system: even though almost all the songs that go through the portal are bombed, the ones that are on top 5 are good enough that they still manage to get a high score EVEN AFTER BEING BOMBED. I have to admit that while its frustrating not to have your song be on top five, the ones that do make it are damn good, and I'm proud of those artists for scoring that high even when being bombed. Legitimately making the top five of the week (emphasis on legitimately) is fucking hard, and you insult the artists that make top five by saying that your song deserves that spot over theirs.

Look, we all think our songs ought to get on best of week. This is natural because after so much time we really want our songs to get noticed, and its really frustrating when it gets so little attention. But the ones that do make it each week are good enough to survive this flawed scoring system, which means they absolutely deserve to be there. Making a song that survives zero bombing is a challenge, and just cause your songs aren't surviving doesn't mean you should act like a chicken shit pussy and cheat your way to the top (this is directed at all creators of the five team).

Now I'm going to give you a personal anecdote which I think you should keep in mind. When I released my first song (Darkened), I thought it was really really good. Thus I was shocked and annoyed when it got a zero and its score got knocked far down, from about a 4.5 to 4.1 or so. After all, how could anyone give my song a zero? It was catchy and really awesome, and would probably do well on the top five and give me a ton of publicity. I really truly thought my song was worthy of top five. Now, the amazing thing is is that now that I look back on that song, I realize that it is shit. It's horrible in so many ways, the sounds are bad, the percussion is uncreative, there's no ambience whatsoever, its really pretty bad in general. I am sure that if you looked back at the first song you thought might win top 5 of the week, you would now think it is pretty bad. This shows how personally biased we are; it is simply unavoidable to think our song is really good and to think it deserves top of week. However, if we have the balls to sit back to be judged by others and not get pissy when we don't get the score we want, then we might be willing to accept that our song just isn't that good and that we need to improve.

I suggest you really think about that. Doesn't the fact that a song doesn't do well imply that you need to improve? After all, its not as though zero bombing makes it impossible to get top of the week. You have made top of the week before, and I think we can concur from that that it is indeed entirely possible to make best of week without any help from a team. This means that if your song does not make best of week, IT WAS SIMPLY NOT MEANT TO. Your song could have made top of the week, but DIDNT. Don't get pissy just cause your song doesn't do well, instead, take it as a lesson that you still have room for improvement. Have the balls to admit, okay yes, there are songs that are better than mine, but eventually, I will make a song that does that well.

I am saying all this because you truly seem to think you should be getting best of the week for each of your songs. Now I really like your music, if you remember I was the guy who just recently convinced you not to stop making music because I like your stuff so much. However, it is not THAT good. I like your style and I have given you 5's on most of your songs because of how much I liked them, but I still think you have plenty of room to improve. Don't get cocky and expect each one of your songs to get a spot on 5 of the week. Instead, EARN THAT SPOT. If you really bust yourself and keep at it, your song will eventually get up there, and you can feel good about it, knowing it was actually good enough to survive the zerobombers and still do well.

On a seperate note, there are more ways to get publicity than newgrounds. If your stuff is good enough, you will get noticed without help from an audio portal. After all, artists that started out on newgrounds (a-new-decade for example) didn't go on to bigger things because they got best of the week alot.

They went on because their songs were good.

*Reads comment*

...Here we go:

First of all, I do not think my songs are better than the ones that go on top 5. I just say that I think mine deserve to be up there with them...First mistake you made.

Also, can you really blame us for having the initiative to try and boost our scores, instead of sit around and let "fate" decide. Regardless of how many 5's we get, there will always be a sucker who's there to blam it. Therefore, it is not cheating, but postponing the inevitable...Second mistake.

Oh, and, calling me stupid...BIG mistake.

You seem to think that if a song is good, it gets on top 5. And if it does'nt, it must be a bad song. Now you go and listen to the last several songs from F-777 and Kr1z that DIDNT make it on top 5, and you freaking TRY to tell yourself that they are bad songs. So, the theory that if a song is good, will always make it on top 5...Fourth mistake.

"doesn't mean you should act like a chicken shit pussy and cheat your way to the top " ...Says the guy whos too scared to ask for a little help when he songs get their scores destroyed. I mean, who the fuck cares if I say: "Oh, some bastard is ruining the system, mabye I should do something about it."
You guys keep saying that we are "cheating". I do not know what fantasy land your are living in, but please give me exact link to where it says "helping other users out because you are a kind person is NOT allowed". Untill then, please stop being a jerk-off just because you don't have any froends that will look out for you. If you cannot provide me with a link, I shall assume that I am right in saying that there IS NO RULE, and that you are just being losers because you wish you knew people who would help your scores...Fith mistake.

"I still think you have plenty of room to improve". Not once, EVER, have I said that my songs are anywhere NEAR perfect! Hell, I don't think I have even half reached my potential! All I have said is that I belive my songs deserve to be on the top 5, and share the glory with the other talented artists on NG. Do not tell me that I think my stuff is perfect, because if that was true, I would'nt have to screw around with Idiots like you on this website, just because you don't like our way of outsmarting 0-bombers...Sixth mistake (you make alot of these)

Dude, if you are pussy enough to sit back and never get top 5 because you let idiots walk all over you, then thats just a showcase of your intelect. But if you can stand up to them, without breaking any rules, then whos got more balls eh? I seriously do not find what is wrong with helping other users out, and then allowing them to help me back because we are friends. Now, If I said "5 me or die", THEN, I would allow a dumbass such as yourself to annoy me.

So please, dont embarrase yourself anymore, trying to tell people that it is a GOOD thing to have no balls.

Lol Nintechno that last sentence brought tears to my eyes BRAVO!!!

Even though some of the stuff they said were kinda true but I don't care those 0-bombers deserve to be fought against, they give people zero's just so they can get their songs to the top and get rid of most competition ain't that cheating?

Good words man, dont let these guys make you think what we are doing is wrong. If thay have no friends, thats their problem, dont let 'em make it yours!

Ummm...did they miss the point?? TEH 5 teams doesn't only vote for themselves,but to all songs that actually deserve a score that is 4/5,but sadly gets 0'ed to 2.something or even less. They have issues with themselves, trying to show some "brightness", but as much as I know, there are at least 25 times more 0 bombers than 5'ers so this group doesn't help so much anyway (??) so why the hell do they even have a problem with it?
As if for teir songs, If they decide to think that the 0 bomber who has just raped their song is another listener who think they "EARNED" it, let it be but they really should keep this opinion for themselves...

I agree with Shinrog!

I was looking at the accounts of some of the guys on Teh 5 Team list, and I found this guy who makes awesome music and he's getting to much 0 bombed, I think we should help him, since its our duty and since we have just focused on getting fived on our own music and not helping others who needs it...

Check out this one and leave him some 5s and comments, he has just 1 comment and his track is AWESOME!

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste </a> n/142325

I will go through the list again to help other dudes, wanna join me?

"Do good things and good things happen to you"

Sorry that link doesn't works, heres the correct one:
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/142325">http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/142325</a>

to the long text whining dudes:
(i didnt read everything)

Im fiving every submission that has at least effort in.
I cant see anything bad about that.

Im not trying to get anyone a top5, im just fucking voting 5 for quality.

Oh THAT'S what we were doing?

I was just doing it cuz the number 5 is kinda awesome.